Wednesday, February 5, 2020


By Vibeke Lindhardt

I was 23 when I walked down the road
With a child in my hand
With a heart that was cold.
He was not my man
I had made a mistake
But the child I loved
and could not forsake.

Many years went by
Twenty-eight all in all
Just on Mother’s Day
I still can recall
When he said to me
There is someone else.
I want to be free.

I was torn inside
I knew it was true.
He was not my man
That I could not hide.
She loved him now
Just the way I should.
But could not endow.

My hair turned grey
But my heart still warm
And there he was.
Without forewarn.
The love of my life
Though most years were gone.
I became his wife.

I am born on 8 September 1937. Married Keld Neumann Johansen 23 Feb. 1957 because I was pregnant.  Our child Sussie Linda Neumann Johansen was born 7 June 1957.
Keld left on Mother’s Day 12 May 1985 for a younger woman

Bent Lindhardt and I met 2011 and was married in Toquerville 24 June.
I felt very strongly that he was my eternal companion, but I left Bent November 2018 because I felt emotionally and mentally unsafe.

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