It is amazing that a country like United States can be so neglect-ant when it comes to having health insurance for their citizens.
30.000 people died from lack of health insurance.
500.000 went bankrupt because of lack of health insurance.
Whenever a politician bring up having health care for everybody in the United States, they are labeled with "being communists or socialists".
But that is not all.
Even people who have health insurance still have to pay co-pays and extra money for anything else than just visiting the regular doctor.
In my case it was (beside paying $425 for regular health insurance a month) $10.00 every time I had to see a regular doctor. $45.00 for the walk-in clinic or any specialist - or x-rays and $80.00 co-pay to the hospital.
F. ex. Eye check-up. Co-pay $45.00
Cataract per eye $1000 (with insurance)
Lack of Family Doctors
There is a great lack of "Family Doctors" in the United States.
Since young people who want to be doctors have to take student loans that take them most of their lives to pay off, many of them feel financially pushed to be "experts" to pay off student loans.
That is why there are "so many specialist" who push for "heart operations to make money.
There are a huge lack of "Family Doctors" - so in some cases "Nurse Practitioners are hired as "Doctors" in the "Family clinics" .
24 February 2020
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