Sunday, February 16, 2020


I held a brush
With nervous hand
And wondered.
Will I paint my will of
thoughts and feelings
so you see the real me?

Orange, yellow,
brown and green.
All mixed strokes
With anxious hand and heart.

At least it is a start.

I started to paint in 1983.

I lived in Hawaii that year and there was an old lady who invited me and some other ladies to come and learn to paint “On her lanai”.

I was all exited, but she actually did not teach us.  All she said was :”Just paint  what you see”.  Well, I did not see anything, but it was a beginning.  My first painting – in oils – was painting of sunflowers.

I loved to paint and have painted ever since.  After 25 years I changed from oils to acrylic paint since I lived in small spaces.

Here is one of my last paintings:

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