Monday, February 3, 2020


I have never in my life
Seen a child who ran so fast
To hold a hand which was not mine
But that of a man ----
I was aghast.
On the second day we met
When death appeared right at my door
Those tender hands were holding mine
As they had never -----
been held before.

 Those tender hands have love and care.
Not just for children and for me
But all entire living things,
That his eye ------
behold and see.

 His tender hands they must  reflect
The loving feelings in his heart.
I watched his hands and then I knew
A caring man ------
Right from the start.

 A man whose hands are showing love.
Shows me that he will always be
A caring soul not just to you.
But he will show -----
His love for me.

poem written 2012

3 February 2020
unfortunately "the love for me" was not always there.

Vibeke Lindhardt

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