Monday, February 24, 2020


Only Jesus loves me
just the way that I am.
I always feel sure
he will not complain,
run away or refrain
from showing me love
when I’m down
or in pain.

Only Jesus loves me
just the way that I am.
He does not disapprove,
criticize or condemn
the things that I do.
He watch from above.
I’m feeling his love.
I know what to do.

Only Jesus loves me
just the way that I am.
When I’m doing wrong
I’ m feeling his song.
“You’re still mine
in all that you do.
I love you, in spite
through and through.”

Only Jesus loves me
Just the way that I am
He does not pull away
so I cry all day.
His is steady and sure
Even though I’m impure.
I’m safe in his love
that comes from above.

Only Jesus loves me
just the way that I am.
No conditions I fear.
I feel safe in his arms.
Away from all harm.
 “My dear child
you are mine.
Our love is divine.

written 23 October 2012

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