Friday, December 8, 2017


I spent most of my childhood in Denmark going through depression because of 2nd world war, my parents divorce, being bullied constantly because I had red hair.

I suffered loneliness because my Mom was alone and worked so much that I only saw her one hour a day.

I had to forego University – which I wanted so badly - to go to work at the age of 15 to help my Mom financially.

I have been so poor that I have had to stand in lines at the food bank after my husband of 28 years left for a size 9 in the midst of our sons graduation, a daughter who had waited 5 months for him to be their for a childbirth. I sometimes looked in the fridge and saw only margarine. I have skipped meals and lost weight to survive.

I have been lied about, both about my personality and accused of several things I have never done. Both as a child and as an adult. Things that has undermined my character and who I really am. The things that cannot ever be taken bake when first thrown around as evil gossip.

At the age of 22, I left my birth religion – that of being born in to the Lutheran church and through the missionaries – who sacrifice two years of their lives I found a religion who cares about other people than themselves. That of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. - The Mormon church.

When I joined the church 1959, I saw the joy in their eyes. I saw the sacrifices they do for others. I experienced their caring for others than themselves.

Now that I have been a member for almost 60 years I am impressed even more by how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, not only as a church, but the individual members not only reach out to other members but to the whole world. They are usually the first res ponders in any disasters.

It has only been when I have removed myself physically and emotionally from the love of my Heavenly Father and the church that my soul suffered. I realized that “I was the cause” of my own sufferings. Not the church and not the members, but my own mistakes I had made.

I am eternally grateful for the compassion I have felt from so many of my family members and friends when I have made mistakes over the years and seen their forgiveness towards me in my down times. I have worked hard at earning their trust and love towards me. It has healed my soul.

Merry Christmas
Vibeke Lindhardt
8 December 2017

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