Friday, December 1, 2017


When I was 3-4 years old my mother placed me in ballet.

I don’t have much memory about that, but I do remember when I started ballroom dancing around the age of 8.

We lived on Munkebjergvej 53 in Taarnby, Copenhagen, Denmark when I had my weekly dance lessons which I looked forward to every week.

It was one of the highlight of my childhood and has stayed with me the rest of my life.

I was lucky getting a steady dance partner Erik, with whom I dance with for some years and participated in dance competitions of which we won some of them.  Here I am with Erik – first couple to the left - when we won a trophy at one of the dance competitions:

The desire to dance has stayed with me my whole life, but I did not get much of a chance to do that again before I became single in 1985.  I moved to Calgary and started to attend singles dances.

When I retired from work at the age of 68 I started to going to Senior dances at the Kerby Center in Calgary, Alberta which I continued until I remarried in 2011.

I don’t dance anymore – except when I do crazy things like starting to dance at the Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. I was lucky that this kind man came to my rescue.

I still enjoy something that is next best to dancing and that is “Zumba-Gold” exercises for the old folks.

All I can say is if you get a chance to, then DANCE YOUR LIFE AWAY. It is something that makes you happy in life and help a little on the body too.

Vibeke Lindhardt
1 December 2017

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