Friday, December 15, 2017


(The Christmas Tree With Its Decorations)

Most people put up the Christmas tree far in advance of Christmas, but in our home when we were children we did not get to see the Christmas tree before Christmas Eve. December 24th.

In our home the Christmas Tree was a “huge secret”. As a matter of fact our parents placed it in another room, even if they had to take away the furniture to make room for a huge tree that they had cut down from a forest.

They would decorate it and then place huge white sheets over it, so we could not see what was on the tree. I assume that the main reasons for that was that most of the decorations on the tree was eatable.

Most of the decorations were handmade.  As a family we had spent most of December "making Christmas tree decorations"

Nevertheless, we also had the real live candles and on one the highest branches my Mom would always put a red bird. The strange thing about that is that I feel that my lifelong love for birds somehow is connected to that red bird sitting on top of the Christmas tree.

It was agonizing to have to wait so long time. First we had to eat and then all the dishes had to be washed and put away before my Dad would open the doors to “The tree room”. Wow were we exited.

When the time finally came, we would all hold hands, walk around the tree while we were singing Christmas songs. We had learned all the songs in the school and at home, so we knew those songs by heart.

After having sung – what us kids were way too many – songs, we would get the gifts that was placed under the tree.

After the gift giving, we would get “a” present. It was very seldom at the time that anybody would receive more than “one” gift and we were happy and content.

Vibeke Lindhardt
15 December 2017

Juletræet med sin pynt” was one of the songs that was song – before – Christmas.
It is a song about the tree with all its decorations. How the tree is waiting for us the “get startet”.
About how the star in the top came down from the sky.
About the hearts that was cut out with a scissor. (they would usually be filled with home made candy)
About the “spiderweb” - the white fluffy stuff we used to put on the tree.
About the living candles that smelled so good.
About the pine cones and about how the sun is shining on us, wishing us a happy Day.
Juletræet med sin pynt
Tekst : Mogens Lorentzen, 1939
Melodi : Egil Harder, 1940
Juletræet med sin pynt
venter på, vi får begyndt.
Aldrig har det vær’t så grønt,
aldrig har det vær’t så kønt.
Og fra selve himlen gled
vist den store stjerne ned.
Hjerter klippet med en saks
af den fingernemme slags,
kræmmerhus med krøllet hank,
som så let får en skavank,
kurve, kugler, fugle, flag,
op og ned og for og bag …
Når de mange fine ting
hænger roligt rundt omkring,
og når alle lys er tændt,
og her lugter brunt og brændt,
er det som en sommerdag
dér, hvor træet kommer fra.
Alle vegne ud og ind
glimrer edderkoppespind …
mon der ikke bor en spurv
her i denne lille kurv?
Kræmmerhus med nødder i
er grangiv’lig kogleri.
Juletræet på besøg
hilser os fra eg og bøg
med besked derude fra,
at det lysner dag for dag,
og at solen fra sit skjul
ønsker os en glæd’lig jul.

Here Poul Bundgaard is singing it

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