Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I know that a lot of my posts this year - 2017 -  has been around forgiveness, and here is another one, because I am a strong believer in FORGIVENESS.

My belief in FORGIVENESS has grown stronger and stronger over the years - and believe me - it has been from personal experiences I have learned the importance of that principle.

At the age I am now - 80 - I have and will be forever puzzled by people who "profess to be believers in God" and the scriptures and still hold on to grudges over hurt feelings "in the past".

Some even seem to "take pride" in feeling that "they are doing the right thing" by punishing somebody who "has apparently hurt their feelings" at one point or another in their lives.

What are we learning from going to church and from reading the scriptures:

I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you.

When Heavenly Father forgive he says: and I will remember it no more".

Some people hold on their others past mistakes forever.

I see people be very adamant religious and go to church and live righteous lives, but still do not feel that the scriptures apply to them, but only to "others who hurt them in one way or another".

They take pride in what they feel is "righteous living". They close family and friends out of their lives if "they do not live up to their standards of behaving".

The same people expect forgiveness of others.

The interesting thing is: The same people expect love and forgiveness when they make mistakes and for others to "forgive and their past sins" especially from their families and friends and especially from their fellow members in the gospel.

If you have the answer to these questions, please let me know why some people choose "Bitterness" towards others and still can feel good about "their righteous religious living"??

That will forever be a huge question in my mind until I die?

Vibeke Lindhardt
12 December 2017

see Mathew 5: 44-45

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