Wednesday, July 10, 2019


We are so busy in our daily lives that most of us don't pay attention to when God is trying to communicate with us.

Nevertheless, the last eight months I have several big and small experiences that has proven to me that GOD DOES SPEAK TO US, but we don't always listen.

Last week, I that "little voice" told me to bring a cake for a new move-in person "Angie" here in Lethbridge.

It kept coming up, so I asked "what day do I have to bring a cake.

The answer was very clear: MONDAY.

Monday happened to be a good day for me, so when I met Angie in church I asked her if I could bring a cake for a family the next day MONDAY.

She looked at me in surprise and said: "That would be great, then we can put candles on, because it is my daughter's birthday".


It was once again re-enforced in me that God does speak to us.

All we have to do is to "listen".

Vibeke Lindhardt

10 July 2019

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