Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Danish Rice Porridge with Cinnamon - Danish RISENGRØD

When we were kids, we loved when Mom made Cinnamon Rice Porridge for Dinner.  Danish Risengrød.

It was usually served with Dark – non- alcoholic Malt Beer.

Unfortunately, we did not get it very often. It was a traditional dish to eat on 23rd December – the night before we celebrated Christmas.

My Mom would use milk and rice and cook it on the wooden stove, until it was hot. Then my Dad would take the big pot with the lid on and place a whole bunch of newspaper around it, and then a whole bunch of towels and place it in their bed with the heavy down on top. It would sit there for hours until it was done.

It would be served in nice brown ceramic bowl.  Sprinkled with cinnamon and a spoon full of butter in the middle.

She always placed a bowl outside for “the Christmas Elves”.

Danish  Ris’Alamanda Dessert

The next day – Christmas Eve – December 24th
Mom would change the porridge to a Dessert called Ris’alamanda
Whip cream and a little sugar would be added to the porridge and served with a Cherry Sauce.

An almond would be place in the big bowl and the person who got the almond would win a homemade Marzipan Pig.   

Vibeke Lindhardt

10 July 2019

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