Thursday, July 11, 2019


If you want to be in American President Donald Trump’s “good book” then you have to be “loyal” – no matter what. If you are not loyal to him – then you are OUT.

James Comey -FBI Director
When James would not accommodate Donald Trump “to leave the Russian investigation alone” – He was fired.

Jeff Sessions Attorney General
Donald Trump wanted Jeff Sessions to take control of the Russia investigation.
Jeff Sessions would not. He was fired.

McGahn White House Counsel
Early 2018 President DT  directed McGahn McGahn was directed by Trump to tell Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that “Mueller has to go. McGahn would not, so he quit.

Michael Flynn – National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump
When Michael Flynn started to co-operate with the “Mueller group” – “The Presidents’ personal counsel said he would make sure that the President knew that Flynn’s actions reflected hostility towards the President.  He was fired.  Still waiting for legal results.

Paul Manafort Donald Trump campaign chairman from June to August 2016
During Manaforts prosecution – President Trump called Manafort “A brave man” for refusing to break and “that flipping almost ought to be outlawed. He left the campaign.
He got 7.5 years in jail.

Michael Cohen Donald Trump’s Lawyer for 10 years.
Before Michael Cohen decided to “come clean with the truth” President Donal Trumps personal counsel said that “he would stay on message” and “not flip” and told Cohen “stay strong”.
When Cohen started to co-operate with the Government, Trump called him “a rat”.
He got 3.5 years in jail for lying to congress

Labor Secretary R. Alexander Acosta – Previous lawyer for sex offender Jeffrey Epstein
At the moment Acosta is in Pres. Donald Trumps “good book”.  Will Acosta quit soon?

Epstein is a friend of Donald Trump.
He paid $350.000 to silence witnesses

Vibeke Lindhardt
11 July 2019

Reference: page 267-269 of the Mueller report

12 July 2019 UPDATE

Alexander Acosta resigned today

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