Is our love for others CONDITIONAL?
Is our love for those around us so full of conditions that
we deprive ourselves of loving others fully?
The word LOVE is
so important to us as a human race.
I believe the “human race” speak about LOVE more than any
other subject in this world.
no matter what background we have, color, creed
or race.
No matter our status in life, we speak about
We speak about parent’s love, children’s love.
We talk about love for
siblings, cousins, grandparents, great grandparents.
We talk about love for our friends.
We speak about “Our first love” and love for spouses and our
We even speak of love of animals, of love of nature, love
for art, music, hobbies.
We speak about love for travel etc. etc.
But are we placing
Is our love for spouses, family, friends etc. CONDITIONAL?
Do we only love “if others behave the way we want them to?
Is our love depending on LOOKS?
Can we only love “if people look certain way, act a certain
Can we only love “if others think and believe what we do?”
or do we take away our love for friends, family, spouses when they don’t
believe in things we do or do we take away our love when they disappoint us?
Can we see the good and show interest in others no matter
who they are or how they live, or do we want them to “come around to our way”
before we can show love and caring?
Do we turn away our affection and love from those we
“profess to love” as a punishment for “not behaving the way we want them to” or
do we only love people if they behave the way we think they should?
Is our love for people around so full of
conditions that we deprive ourselves of caring for and loving others fully, no
matter their looks, their interests, their belief system, their color or creed?
I am a firm believer in “forgiving others for their
Does that mean I accept mental and emotional abuse from
Of course, not and I do realize that we all “need time” for
healing wounds, especially mental and emotional abuse.
Does that mean I don’t get hurt and care less or feel less
than others? Of course, not.
I have in my 80 years been deeply hurt by others behavior.
I have felt the pain of physical, mental and emotional
I have been defrauded.
I have felt the pain and anguish of being lied about, taken
advantage of and had my name soiled.
I have been mistreated, misunderstood and unfairly treated -
and each hurt has taken time to heal, but I have come to believe that through forgiveness,
I can feel love them – “in spite of.”
Forgiveness is “my
I decided – several years ago – that I would refuse to let
other people’s bad and sometimes abusive and controlling behavior destroy me
and my life; and my – what some people see as naivety - belief in the goodness of others, My life and does not depend on others bad and
sometimes downright mean spirited behavior
I don’t believe in keeping grudges. I feel life is too short
to waste my time to feel anger forever.
I am extremely grateful for the peace of mind I have found
from the principle of “forgiveness”.
I have learned that I can love people for “whom they are” –
humans who makes mistakes which can be extremely hurtful at times.
People, who sometimes people – without knowing all facts -
make wrong conclusions.
sometimes people use harsh and unkind words that can be very
hurtful, but
I have had many “healing” experiences from forgiving others
who have hurt me deeply
and I have learned that I can love a person fully and freely
without conditions – through
Vibeke Lindhardt
20 April 2017
I wrote this song
Forgiveness is forgetting.
Remember it no more
The hurt that you were feeling
The hate you often bore.
Don’t waste your time regretting
And holding on to hate.
Let go of all the pain you feel.
Before it is too late.
The person that has hurt you
That stopped you being free.
The unfair action caused you.
They cannot really see.
Don’t waste your time regretting
And holding on to hate.
Let go of all the pain you feel.
Before it is too late.
Forgiveness is important.
It starts right in your heart.
Forgiveness is for you-u
And not the other part.
Don’t waste your time regretting
And holding on to hate.
Let go of all the pain you feel.
Before it is too late.
Let go of all the hurting
And pain that brought you down.
Leave judgment to the Saviour
who wears the real crown.
Don’t waste your time regretting
And holding on to hate.
Let go of all the pain you feel.
Before it is too late.
It was recorded with Nina
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