Thursday, March 2, 2017


In 1978 I made a PERSONAL DECREE.

Now 38 years 2017 later when I look at it.  Did I always stick to it?

No.Unfortunately I have been weak in many of the areas where I wanted to be strong.

So, I am not sure how much I have progressed, but I still like MY DECREE and hope I still have a little time to correct some of the things in which I failed.


Written 23 December 1978

If I feel unnoticed, I will notice

If I am laughed at, I will laugh with

If I feel unused, I will do a good turn.

If somebody is better than me, I will practice harder.

If somebody hates and ignores me, I will love them and do kind deeds for them.

If I feel like running away, I will pray, so I can get power to stay.

If he does not kiss me, I will kiss him.

If he is weak, I will be strong.

If somebody runs faster than me, I will keep running.

If nobody phones me, I will phone them.

If nobody visits me, I will visit them.

If I feel confused, I will read the scriptures.

If I feel anger, I will watch my tongue and action.

If I feel unhappy, I will make somebody happy.


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