Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Do you feel like a puzzle?
I used to be.
It felt like the half of my body
was not really me.

Then one day I was reading
In a book by Paul H. Dunn.
That your soul and body
can become like one.

I wanted more than anything
To feel in harmony
with my body and soul,
So, I started on my goal.

Many pieces of the puzzle were gone
so, I knew.
Only time and work on being me.
Would get me through

I was shocked to discover
how I tried to please
more than I should.
Not always at ease.

The first thing I learned.
Some will walk from you.
You will lose some friends
who does not like what you do.

But the real friends
will help you through
and as times go by
You’ll find the real you.

 Vibeke Lindhardt  originally written 1976

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