Why the rushing like ants down the street?
Hurrying, scurrying with busy feet.
What do they see?
What do they hear?
Is “being too late” the fear?
To late for what?
For their destiny?
Running to life in Eternity?
Forgetting “the world”
Which is “you” and “me”?
Did they get there in time?
In the rush and the hurry?
Did their pay their tithe
And sing hymns loud and cheery?
Did they feel that the Lord
would be pleased them then.
To love them and
keep a safe home in his den?
Where they humbled when the messenger said
what they already knew in their heart:
“What ye have done to the least of mine”
I said from the start.
You were busy, yes, too busy to see
to get into the Kingdom
you have to look at the eyes of a friend,
where you would have seen me.
I am sorry to say that the test for me to meet
the test I gave you on earth
you have failed
because of your hurrying feet.
Vibeke Lindhardt - written 1981
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