Thursday, August 20, 2020


I find it quite disturbing that people are making up conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic which by now have taken 789.000 lives in the world with 174.000 in United States alone.

Jens Peter Larsen died from the “the Spanish Flu”  1918

My mother Else Margrethe Gunhild Emmely Rasmussen’s Foster father Jens Peter Larsen died 18 December 1918 from “the Spanish Flu” pandemic or some people also called the black death.

The reason why it was called “The Black Death” was that the person turned black when they died. 

My mother – at that time age only eleven years old – was forced to look at her dead Foster Father.  It marred her for life.

The Little girl is my mother.

Both LDS Bishop Edward Partridge and his daughter Harriet Pamela passed away from a Malaria Pandemic May 1840

LDS Bishop EDWARD PARTRIDGE and his daughter Harriet Pamela Partridge died from Malaria pandemic in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States in May 1840. (see book THE SAINTS .volume one page 415.

2020-2021 COVID 19 PANDEMIC

My son Harly Neumann’s’ brother-in-law “Vie Lieu” – age 44 – passed away on 27 December 2020 from the Corona Virus.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

written in 1869 by Kathleen O’Mara.
Reprinted during Spanish flu
Pandemic, 1919
And people stayed at home
And read books
And listened
And they rested
And did exercises
And made art and played
And learned new ways of being
And stopped and listened
More deeply
Someone meditated, someone prayed
Someone met their shadow
And people began to think differently
And people healed.
And in the absence of people who
Lived in ignorant ways
Dangerous, meaningless and heartless,
The earth also began to heal
And when the danger ended and
People found themselves
They grieved for the dead
And made new choices
And dreamed of new visions
And created new ways of living
And completely healed the earth
Just as they were healed.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Today Canada made assault weapons.

Thank you Canada.

I lived in United States for almost eight years and it is unbelievable how many mass shooting they have because they allow people owning assault weapons.

Those kind of guns do NOT belong in a home.

They are military weapons.

 Vibeke Lindhardt
1 May 2020


I wrote this when I went to help Linda with her new baby in July 1985.  This was her sixth child and she was only 28years old.

Her other children were Heidi, age nine, Adam age eight, Nicholas age five, Simon age four and Joshua age two. Heidi was born in Trail, Adam in Vernon and the rest of them in Calgary.

Drawing of me by Adam

Simon says: “Take down the picture of the horse.  The horse’s eye is looking at me all the time.
Adam is laying on the couch.
Nick says to Adam: “Are you the Mother”. 
Adam: “No”
Nick: “Why are you then laying down”
(Linda has been sick a lot the last year and have laid down a lot)

Heidi and me wanted to go swimming one day, but we could not get in.
Me: I wonder what kind of swimming goes on right now”
Heidi: “Swimming is for old people like you” (I am 47)
Simon – age four – still cannot say the letter L.
He says. “Nichonas, cnose the door.”

It is 7:00 a.m.
I give baby Nephi a bottle and a clean diaper.
Then Nicholas and Simon comes down and plays with the 4by4.
Simon gets upset because he does not have a 4by4 and ask me why I did not give him any.
The baby needs burping.

Adam comes down and dumps all his space Legos that he has gathered since he was two years old.
Nicholas asks if he can play too. “No” says Adam.  They are MY space Legos.
I ask Adam to let Nicholas and Simon play too.  He finally let them and explains to them how to do it. Nicholas says “I can do it by myself”.  I say: “Let Nicholas do it his way Adam”. “But he can’t do it, Adam says.  “well, maybe not your way, but his own way” I say.

The baby does not burb.

Joshua is calling “Eidi” from upstairs.
Simon- age four - goes and get Joshua – age 2 out of his crip.
Joshua comes down with his “Ba-Ba” (It is a bottle looking like Barney from the Flintstone cartoon)
Joshua shows me his bottle and says: “ba-ba” – which means “Please give me apple juice in my bottle)
Joshua does not speak much. He has problems with his hearing.  The doctor think it might be his adenoids and he see a specialist tomorrow to have his hearing checked.
He might need to go to a speech therapist.

The baby is burping
Joshua needs clothes on. He has taken off his pamper and runs around in his birthday suit.
Heidi is still sleeping.  She needs a bit more sleep than the boys because she is epileptic.

Baby Nephi burped and is now smiling and talking.  Pretty good for a seven-week-old baby.
Everybody crowds around Nephi to see “the wonder of a baby smiling and talking.

Joshua go into the space legos.  Adam starts his “Monkey-scream”, that means jumping and crying at the same time, while the arms move all over.
Joshua gets upset and throw one of the space-wings right across the room.

 I got to get dressed.  It is 8’oclock.

Heidi just came down and all the kids are asking what are we eating for breakfast.

Flemming is still sleeping, bus he has to get to work at 9:00 a.m., so he will probably get up soon.  He has clothes to wash and a sewing machine to fix.
I walk upstairs after having just put the baby in his rocking chair which is hung up in the door between the kitchen and living room.

It is a comfortable condo they live in with sliding doors in the kitchen.

The kids have lots of room to play.  In the back is a gulley and it is a dead-end street so the traffic is low.

It is raining today, so we have to find things to do inside. When the weather is good, the kids play outside most of the day and goes swimming in the afternoon.  They have a family pass to the pool.

I need a bath but can’t find my underwear. It is lost in all the laundry and I can’t leave the 6 kids for a long time, so I will have to wait and just do a “cat wash”. I guess I will take on jeans and a top since the weather is cool.

Condo living seems to bring a bond among the children.  The children have more friends and adults visit more forth and back and get the need of socializing fulfilled.

Adam is going to play with Dale and Dustin. 
Joshua has to go the hospital for an operation.  He has to get his adenoids out and tubes in his ears.  He can’t hear.
We are going swimming
The kids are sleeping downstairs.
Nicholas do not like clowns.
Heidi got a birthstone ring.
I am cleaning up the yard.
The kids are having a water fight. Heidi is watering the flowers.

I am tired and exhausted Mormor

Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid-19 - April 11 2020 update

In the whole world 1.780.314 cases with 108.827 deaths

United States 532.879 with 20.577 deaths

Denmark 5.966 with 260 deaths

Alberta corona virus cases 1569 with 40 deaths

People are asked to stay inside except for nurses and doctors and truck drivers and food deliverers like Joshua and Tammy who are working for SKIP and UBER,

Grocery stores are open and are starting to have more items to purchase, but are still out of masks and sanitize-rs.

Vibeke Lindhardt


One of my grandchildren asked me recently what I did when I was 21 years old. That was in 1959.

Keld Harly Neumann Johansen and I had been married for two years and we had a little girl: Sussie Linda Neumann Johansen.

We lived in a two-bedroom apartment with a nice balcony in Banefløjen number 10, on the 2nd floor in Husum, Copenhagen, Denmark. It was brand new apartments and we loved living there.

We lived in the apartment to the right with the yellow cloth

This walkway I walked on every day to take Linda to daycare center or to the Husum train station

I was a Bookkeeper and worked for the Government at the Department of Finance on “Børsen” downtown Copenhagen and even though Keld had a five-year trade as a “Bookbinder” he was working as a “Mailman” – just like his two brother Bent and Jackie. 

Keld - 2nd from left - with some of his Mailman Buddy's who played in a "Mailman Band".


23 February 1959 Keld and I joined "The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints" and that totally changed our lives.

Below us, on the first floor lived Lizzie and Pall Nolsøe. They moved in about 1-2 months after us – in 1957. We became really good friends and had many good times with the Nolsøe family.
hey had a little boy Christian Nolsøe, that became Linda’s best friend.  Later they had two little girls we name “putte” and “søsser”.

Pall was born on the Faroa Island and always talked about moving back there with his family, but Lizzie really did not want to move away from Denmark and her family.

They had “really” old grandmother who took care of the kids while they were at work. She always made cookies and of course Linda liked that.

One thing I really enjoyed was when Pall got sun-dried fish from his home land.  Neither Lizzie, nor Keld liked it that much, so Pall and I would have a feast.

Pall was very creative.  He wrote poems and painted landscapes from his home country.

Christian Nolsøe

 Lizzie and Pall Nolsøe
Lizzie and Christian playing the piano.

I would usually get up at 5:00 a.m. and get myself and Linda ready for the day. I would either walk the baby-buggy to the Daycare center – about 2 miles – together with another young mother or drive my bike with Linda in a seat behind me.

I always felt bad about leaving my little girl at the daycare.

I wanted to take care of her myself, but Keld and I both had to work in order to pay our bills.

Linda and her daycare group.

In the winter time I would take “Sporvognen” to work in the winter time. In spring and the summer I would ride my bike – 8 miles to work at the government building called Børsen”.

After work, I would pick up Linda from daycare and then go grocery shopping on the way back. I usually had two bags hanging on the baby buggy - if I was walking.

 Then it was time to go home and cook dinner and after dinner cooking the cloth diapers on the stove, then rinse them in our bathtub and hang them up in the bathroom with clothespins.

We only had access once a month to “washing in the basement”. That was when we would do our “Storvask” – Big clean which included linen etc.  One good thing about the “basement cleaning room” was that they had huge rollers to “press” all your clothes, so we pressed everything, including the diapers.

I would usually cook all our meals at night and then Keld and I would take turns either doing the dishes or “putting Linda to bed” which meant we read stories and sang for her every night for about an hour.

In the evening I would either sew clothes for Linda and myself or knit sweaters for us. Many times I would take apart my own dress. Wash the cloth and then make clothes for Linda out of my old dress.

Linda is here wearing a dress that I made from one of my old dresses.

Later I would take evening classes at "The Royal Academy Of Arts" where I took a 3 year degree in tailoring and sewing.  My teacher was Sara Dressø.  I also later took Block printing the same place.

Yes, it was a good and interesting and busy life and a time when we were very happy.

Vibeke Lindhardt.

11 April 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020


All non-essential stores are closed. No access to Assisted Living places


about 70.000 cases in the United States

I hope and pray that "This too will pass".

Vibeke Lindhardt

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Corona Virus Pandemic

The last two months has turned the world up-side down with the scare of a Pandemic.

As I write this there has been 150.000 cases in the world of the Corona Virus and 5.600 death, but not everybody has been tested since in the United States they are lacking resources to test everybody, besides President Donald Trump was in denial in the beginning and played the whole thing down.

In Canada 176 cases, but no death.

Italy and Denmark have closed their borders and The United States are not allowing any planes arriving from Europe, except United Kingdom.

There is no allowance of large gatherings anywhere.  It is the first time in the 60 years I have been a member of “The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” that the church have closed their buildings and no allowed any meetings. 

Even all the Temples will be closed as of this coming Monday March 16th. They will only open the temple for weddings.

It makes me think of “The black plague” pandemic in 1918.

My mother Else Margrethe Gunhild Emmely Rasmussen was 11 years old at the time and lived with her foster parents Jens Peter Larsen and Marie Sofie.

Jens Peter Larsen passed away 23 December 1918 from the Black Plague and my mother was totally devasted.

My mother really loved her foster dad, but that was not the only reason. Marie Sofie forced my mother to look at Jens Peter while he was laying there “totally black” in the coffin.

Also, my mother never did like her Foster mother Marie Sofie because she always pushed her around like a little slave.

I am hoping that the Corona Virus will not end up like the 1918 pandemic.

In the meantime, I am practicing staying calm and to “find” some toilet paper to purchase. People are raiding toilet paper and cleaning supplies and food from the grocery stores.

I understand that “Craigs List” now if selling one role of toilet paper for $200 and that is too much for me, then I will have to do what my parents did under the war.  Use newspaper.

Vibeke Lindhardt
14 March 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020


Why wanting to see my misdeeds.
While so little on your own you dwell?
Don’t look for faults in others,
While you hide your own so well.

Love does not dishonor others.
Protect their name in words and deeds.
Even when you see their failings.
Blaming only failures seeds.

Look for that which is uplifting.
Love and kindness helps along.
You will find them if you’re trying.
Hope you find them before I’m gone.

Vibeke Lindhardt


They said I had to have “True Grit” to live with you
And I found that it was true.
Your words are often like a knife
without thoughts and causes strife.

The old ones said that “sticks and stones
Might break my bones but words will never hurt me.
How wrong they were. The pain words spur.
My brain is often like a blur.

I am puzzled why you do not try
to make me smile instead of cry.
I try to tell you - hoping you will see
Your judging words will make me flee.

But you don’t talk. It’s like a block.
And when you speak my soul you knock.
The more you judge and keep a grudge.
I die inside and feelings hide.

Vibeke Lindhardt
December 2013


Yes, I guess I was too selfish
To fall in love so hard and deep.
Treasuring your touch and caring.
Thinking love was mine to keep.
Selfish me. I needed your loving.
Wishing you would feel the same.
Not just then, but now and ever.
That our love we could reclaim.

Yes, I guess I was too selfish
Hoping you would understand.
That my love for you was stronger
than I had for any man.
Selfish me. I needed your loving.
Wishing you would feel the same.
Not just then, but now and ever.
That our love we could reclaim.

Yes, I guess I was too selfish
To hope the day, we made a pact.
Promises would last forever.
Hoping it would be a fact.
Selfish me. I needed your loving.
Wishing you would feel the same.
Not just then, but now and ever.
That our love we could reclaim.

Vibeke Lindhardt, written in Toquerville, Utah  2013


It’s time to stop fighting
The unseen enemy.
To trust in the love we share
You and me.
Outside forces cannot stop us
If we don’t let them in.
Trust what we have
Our love is secure.

It’s time to trust
The love I have for you.
That no matter what happens
My love is always sure.
Please don’t let the forces
Of the unseen enemy
Destroy our love.
Please. Be kind to me.

There is no need to run.
I’ll always be here.
The pain that you feel
From the past
Is no longer near.
You are safe with me.
I’ll always be here.

Written October 23rd 2012.

Unfortunately I had to leave for Canada end of November 2018


Over The hills and far away
There is my homeland
I miss each day.
The little land
With the ocean shore.
There are my roots.
Those who came before.

It used to be
That Danes like me
Could trace their roots
Back to Vikings Days.
Things are changing, I fear
That the future search, for Danes like me
Will no longer be there.

The Danish roots, as we know them now
Will be replaced somehow
With the Huns and those came
From the lands below.
And soon the Danes will see
That their roots, I fear
Will disappear.

The future Danes
Will not search their roots like me
From Kings and Queens
And their Royal heirs.
They will declare Shahadah.
Ramadan and Zakat.
The Danes will go to Hajj.

Shahadah= Muslim Declaration of Faith
Zakat= Muslim almsgiving
Ramadan=Muslim Fast
Salat= Muslim Daily Prayers
Haij=Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca

Written by Vibeke Lindhardt  26 November 2011


 Where were you my love
when I needed you to be by my side?
I was looking for you
but not aware
where you would hide.

It pains me thinking
Of all the years lost.
The saddest words
“What could have been”.
Has been the cost.

But now you are here, and
I love you more than words can say.
You are my life.
You are my all.
And we are on our way.

Our way to God, To Eternities
Looking forward to above
Together, you and I
We walk the way the road to him.
Together.  - I feel at peace now.

Written to my husband Bent Lindhardt. 2012.

I believed we were a perfect match.

I was – and maybe still am – so much in love with my husband.

Unfortunately, my dreams died in 2018.


Some people like to be sarcastic
And feel “it is just a pun”.
But the person that the joke is made on
Do not always feel it is fun.

Words, which were supposed to be funny
Can feel like nails in a sore.
It makes someone sad and no more glad
It’s just not like before.

Before you make a “joke” about someone.
Think, before you squawk.
Would you like to be that person?
Or would you walk?

24 February 2020


I was ten years old the first time I met my “Mormor Minna”. 

Suddenly one day my mom said: “You are going for a holiday to your Mormor Minna”.

At that time, we lived close to “Enghave Plads” on Vesterbro in Copenhagen, Denmark with my mom and my sister Birgit.

I had never before met my grandmother on my mother’s side -  whose real name was Christine Rasmussen.

Nevertheless, she did not tell my grandmother that I was coming before “after she had sent me off on the bus”.

Sjoltevej 25, Præstø County

Well, of course I was all excited when she put me on a bus in Copenhagen, to travel to Sjolte – about 100 kilometers south in the Præstø county. Nevertheless,

 I never knew before later in my life that she did not tell Minna that I was coming before I was on the bus, so when I arrived in Sjolte and met a grandmother – for the first time – she did not look happy at all to “see this strange child”.

Minna and her husband Karl Christensen (not my grandfather) lived Sjoltevej 25 on a small mini farm where they had one cow, pigs, a cat.

It was Karl who came and picked me up from the bus, that “just stopped by the road” to drop me off.

I slept “upstairs” in a small room with a down that was filled with “goose feathers”. It was so heavy that I felt I was sleeping with a huge brick over me.

Nevertheless, I had a really nice view of the fields etc. For me to be “out in the country” was like “coming to heaven”.  Everything was so green and my Mormor had apple trees etc.

Karl Christensen

Mormor Minna with some of the Houman children

Karl and Minna

My Mormor Minna and ?

Mormor Minna milking the cow

Mormor Minna

My Mormor

After I had been there for about three days, my Mormor became more friendly and my three weeks there ended up with that she invited me come back next year.

My Mormor Minna and I ended up as “really good friends”.  

When uncle Karl passed away in 1952 Minna moved in to a small townhouse in Præstø town.

I ended up visiting my grandmother every year until she passed away.  One year I biked all the way from Copenhagen to visit her.

My sister Birgit finally met her when she was 22 years old and my mother also finally was invited to my Mormor.

I am happy that I got to know my Mormor.

Mormor: In Denmark we call our grandmother on the mother’s side for “Mormor”.  If it on the Fathers side it is “Farmor”.