Sunday, October 14, 2018

 You say I have no feelings, because I do not cry.
But don’t get fooled by what only shows outside
a person’s face - when a tear is dry.
Some people keep the pain inside, like me.
So not all I feel so strongly - other people can see.
But I feel as strong as you. The same degree.

I hurts me when you say I have no feelings and you see.
It makes me wonder if you know the real me.
The one who wrote you songs and poems
To show my love and feelings that I had.
I wonder if you doubt my love
And your feelings - makes me sad.

You say I have no feelings and I don’t why?
Cause my love for you are feelings that I can’t untie.
Those feelings are so strong that not a day go by
without some gratitude for what we have and I
can only hope that you don’t mean the words you say.
That you know I feel both love and pain, I pray.

Vibeke Lindhardt
Dec 13th 2013

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