Sunday, January 10, 2021



86 people have been arrested – so far for the Capitol Hill Siege. Five people have died incl. a Capital Hill Officer.

I am very sad and extremely baffled by all of those (incl. some of my very close family and friends) who still believe Donald Trump has done nothing wrong- in spite of all the proofs of damage done, not only as President the last four year, but most of his life.

I am just praying and hoping that justice will take place and that those who were so fooled and blinded by his charisma and organized conspiracy theories “many of them presented to him by other” incl. some of them working right in the Congress and the Senate - will change their minds when all the truths will be revealed - and they will, because the truth always comes out in the end.

Joe Biden has a long history of being an honorable and trustworthy man. He now has a very heavy burden passed on to him, but I believe that with the help of many of the good people and trustworthy people he has chosen for his cabinet, he will be up to the job and restore democracy in United States.

It will not be easy, but it will be worth it. The whole world is watching.


10 January 2021