Thursday, August 20, 2020


I find it quite disturbing that people are making up conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic which by now have taken 789.000 lives in the world with 174.000 in United States alone.

Jens Peter Larsen died from the “the Spanish Flu”  1918

My mother Else Margrethe Gunhild Emmely Rasmussen’s Foster father Jens Peter Larsen died 18 December 1918 from “the Spanish Flu” pandemic or some people also called the black death.

The reason why it was called “The Black Death” was that the person turned black when they died. 

My mother – at that time age only eleven years old – was forced to look at her dead Foster Father.  It marred her for life.

The Little girl is my mother.

Both LDS Bishop Edward Partridge and his daughter Harriet Pamela passed away from a Malaria Pandemic May 1840

LDS Bishop EDWARD PARTRIDGE and his daughter Harriet Pamela Partridge died from Malaria pandemic in Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, United States in May 1840. (see book THE SAINTS .volume one page 415.

2020-2021 COVID 19 PANDEMIC

My son Harly Neumann’s’ brother-in-law “Vie Lieu” – age 44 – passed away on 27 December 2020 from the Corona Virus.