Monday, June 24, 2019


You might think it is right
To make fun of your wife
Right in front of your
family and friends.

You say it is done
in good humor and wit.
Cause It’s not you
that is thrown in the pit.

What will you do
when the pun is on you?
And your peers
think your wife is hex?

Good humor is fun
but one time is enough
to throw somebody
under the chair.

You don’t see the fears.
The sadness and tears
behind closed doors
when you are not there.

Vibeke Lindhardt
24 June 2019

Sunday, June 23, 2019

What happened to LINDSAY GRAHAM?

What happened to this man?
I used to be a fan.
He changed his ways.
Since McCain is no more.
Lindsay Graham
Is not like “before”

He was upright and honest.
A man you could trust.
He now follows Trump.
Like a puppy on string.
Graham is changed.
No more trustworthiness brings.

What is it about Trump
that makes men so weak?
That they’ll rather go low
than integrity seek?
They lose their soul
and crawl in a hole.

A whole lifetime of truth
Have gone down in the drain.
No more sun. Just rain.
Rain of tears in those
Who believed in man
that was decent,
but no longer am.

Vibeke Lindhardt