We might have some experiences that make us wonder “why people say
such hurtful things to somebody they profess to love?
We all remember the old saying: “Sticks and stones might break my
bones, but words will never hurt me.
How untrue that saying is and parents used to quote that saying to
their children that “words could not
hurt them” which of course children could not understand, because they felt
hurt when somebody said something mean to them.
Some parents can say mean things to their children and then just
ignore the consequences of their words.
I know of a man who was beaten up by the other children at his
first day in school in one of his early grades. He was a good and loving
boy and could not understand why the other boys beat him up.
He walked home from school to get comfort from his mother, but the
only words he got from his mother was: “So what did you do”? A total lack
of love and compassion from the mother.
This mother missed an opportunity to teach “how to treat other people”
with love, concern and respect. She lost
an opportunity to teach that bullying is unacceptable.
She lost an opportunity to teach that “words matter” and “physical
fighting” is unacceptable.
As a matter of fact, the parents instead taught: “You must learn
to fight back”.
The boy grew up learning to fight both physically and with words,
so he could win.
Unfortunately, that led to him hurting some of the people in his
life that loved him the very most.
Once a person in my life that I loved and care for a lot, placed a
“word label” on me that was first totally unexpected and extremely hurtful, but
took me a looooong time to forgive.
In our church we have a hymn that is called:
'Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words To Each Other".
1. Let us oft speak kind words to each other
At home or where’er we may be;
Like the warblings of birds on the heather,
The tones will be welcome and free.
They’ll gladden the heart that’s repining,
Give courage and hope from above,
And where the dark clouds hide the shining,
Let in the bright sunlight of love.
Oh, the kind words we give shall in memory live
And sunshine forever impart.
Let us oft speak kind words to each other;
Kind words are sweet tones of the heart.
2. Like the sunbeams of morn on the mountains,
The soul they awake to good cheer;
Like the murmur of cool, pleasant fountains,
They fall in sweet cadences near.
Let’s oft, then, in kindly toned voices,
Our mutual friendship renew,
Till heart meets with heart and rejoices
In friendship that ever is true.
Oh, the kind words we give shall in memory live
And sunshine forever impart.
Let us oft speak kind words to each other;
Kind words are sweet tones of the heart.

I believe that it is important that we are more careful with our words so we do not "unintentionally" hurt those we love the most.
Vibeke Lindhardt
18 April 2018